... a latte
A few months ago, my first ever customer Suzan asked me to design some more gift cards holders. She had in mind something earthy, but still classy, to hold a Starbucks gift card.
The card ideas began to flow in, but I was puzzled as to what kind of "apparatus" I was going to design to hold the gift cards.
Let me tell you something: the web is a gold mine for those.
Out of all those wonderful ideas, I chose 4 different ways described below.
1- the hidden gift card:
2- the "W" gift card holder:
3- the classical gift card holder:
No web site, I just made a simple pocket at the dimensions of a gift card.
4- the very simple gift card holder:
It's a little different version of number 1. I folded the card stock with a small pocket inside, and slide it in a sleeve.
And to finish, here is the one I made for my customer per her specifications... I thought they turn out beautiful!
Inside detail:
Until next time!